Open Positions

We are currently looking for Bachelor and ACF students willing to join our group. For more information see "Research" section or visit the personal page and conctact the group members. We will not reply to clear massive application emails without any specific content.

Topic: Bio(redox)-active metalloporphyrins as therapeutics, diagnostic tools, catalysts or sensors (Christian, Joel & Peter)


  • Multistep Synthesis
  • Cryo Mass Spectrometry
  • High-pressure NMR
  • Electrochemistry

Topic: Functionalization of metal complexes for catalysis at liquid interfaces: hydrogenation reactions and CO2 activation (Milica & Valentin)


  • Synthesis
  • GC and HPLC-MS
  • Electrochemistry

Topic: Bioinspired Oxidation Catalysis with Iron Complexes (Andrea & Julian)


  • Synthesis
  • GC and HPLC-MS
  • Electrochemistry
  • Schlenk & Glovebox
  • Uv-vis & Stopped-Flow

Topic: Multifunctional Catalytic Anti-Oxidants and Anti-Cancer Drugs (Andrea, Fengsen & Philipp)


  • Synthesis or Cell culture studies
  • Uv-vis & Stopped-Flow
  • Electrochemistry

Topic: Modulation of redox status and signaling in cells by inorganic species (Philipp)


  • Cell culture studies
  • UV-Vis Spectroscopy
  • Electrochemistry